Galaxy Scenario File Differs From Host
The author selected the to receive a donation as part of the program. IntroductionUnit testing in is key to making sure roles function as intended. Makes this process easier by allowing you to specify scenarios that test roles against different environments. Using Ansible under the hood, Molecule offloads roles to a provisioner that deploys the role in a configured environment and calls a verifier (such as ) to check for configuration drift. This ensures that your role has made all of the expected changes to the environment in that particular scenario.In this guide, you will build an Ansible role that deploys to a host and configures on CentOS 7. To test that this role works as intended, you will create a test in Molecule using as a driver and Testinfra, a Python library for testing the state of servers.
Molecule will provision Docker containers to test the role and Testinfra will verify that the server has been configured as intended. When you're finished, you'll be able to create multiple test cases for builds across environments and run these tests using Molecule.
PrerequisitesBefore you begin this guide you'll need the following:. One Ubuntu 16.04 server. Follow the steps in the guide to create a non-root sudo user, and make sure you can connect to the server without a password. Docker installed on your server. Follow Steps 1 and 2 in, and be sure to add your non-root user to the docker group.
Familiarity with Ansible playbooks. For review, see.Step 1 — Preparing the EnvironmentIn order to create our role and tests, let's first create a virtual environment and install Molecule. Installing Molecule will also install Ansible, enabling the use of playbooks to create roles and run tests.Start by logging in as your non-root user and making sure your repositories are up-to-date:. sudo apt-get updateThis will ensure that your package repository includes the latest version of the python-pip package, which will install pip and Python 2.7. We will use pip to create a virtual environment and install additional packages. To install pip, run:.
sudo apt-get install -y python-pipUse pip to install the virtualenv Python module:. python -m pip install virtualenvNext, let's create and activate the virtual environment:. python -m virtualenv myenvActivate it to ensure that your actions are restricted to that environment:. source myenv/bin/activateInstall molecule and docker using pip:.
python -m pip install molecule dockerHere is what each of these packages will do:. molecule: This is the main Molecule package that you will use to test roles. Installing molecule automatically installs Ansible, along with other dependencies, and enables the use of Ansible playbooks to execute roles and tests. docker: This Python library is used by Molecule to interface with Docker. You will need this since you're using Docker as a driver.Next, let's create a role in Molecule. Step 2 — Creating a Role in MoleculeWith your environment set up, you can use Molecule to create a basic role to test an installation of Apache. This role will create the directory structure and some initial tests, and specify Docker as the driver so that Molecule uses Docker to run its tests.Create a new role called ansible-apache:.
molecule init role -r ansible-apache -d dockerThe -r flag specifies the name of the role while -d specifies the driver, which provisions the hosts for Molecule to use in testing.Change into the directory of the newly created role:. cd ansible-apacheTest the default role to check if Molecule has been set up properly:. molecule testYou will see output that lists each of the default test actions. Output- Validating schema /home/sammy/ansible-apache/molecule/default/molecule.yml.Validation completed successfully.- Test matrix└── default├── lint├── destroy├── dependency├── syntax├── create├── prepare├── converge├── idempotence├── sideeffect├── verify└── destroy.Before starting the test, Molecule validates the configuration file molecule.yml to make sure everything is in order. It also prints this test matrix, which specifies the order of test actions.We will discuss each test action in detail once you've created your role and customized your tests.
For now, pay attention to the PLAYRECAP for each test, and be sure that none of the default actions returns a failed status. Metodologi penelitian hukum pdf. For example, the PLAYRECAP for the default 'create' action should look like this. Output.PLAY RECAP.localhost: ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0Let's move on to modifying the role to configure Apache and Firewalld. Step 3 — Configuring Apache and FirewalldTo configure Apache and Firewalld, you will create a tasks file for the role, specifying packages to install and services to enable. These details will be extracted from a variables file and template that you will use to replace the default Apache index page.Create a tasks file for the role using nano or your favorite text editor:.
nano tasks/main.ymlYou'll see that the file already exists. Delete what's there and paste the following code to install the required packages and enable the correct services, HTML defaults, and firewall settings. /ansible-apache/vars/main.yml -pkglist:- httpd- firewalldsvclist:- httpd- firewalldThese lists contain the following information:. pkglist: This contains the names of the packages that the role will install: httpd and firewalld. svclist: This contains the names of the services that the role will start and enable: httpd and firewalld.Note: Make sure that your variables file doesn't have any blank lines or your test will fail during linting.Now that you've finished creating the role, let's configure Molecule to test if it works as intended. Step 4 — Modifying the Role for Running TestsIn our case, configuring Molecule involves modifying the Molecule configuration file molecule.yml to add platform specifications. Because you're testing a role that configures and starts the httpd systemd service, you will need to use an image with systemd configured and privileged mode enabled.
For this tutorial, you will use the milcom/centos7-systemd image. Privileged mode allows containers to run with almost all of the capabilities of their host machine.Let's edit molecule.yml to reflect these changes:. nano molecule/default/molecule.ymlAdd the highlighted platform information. /ansible-apache/molecule/default/molecule.yml -dependency:name: galaxydriver:name: dockerlint:name: yamllintplatforms:- name: centos7 image: milcom/centos7-systemd privileged: trueprovisioner:name: ansiblelint:name: ansible-lintscenario:name: defaultverifier:name: testinfralint:name: flake8Save and close the file when you are done.Now that you've successfully configured the test environment, let's move on to writing the test cases that Molecule will run against your container after executing the role. Step 5 — Writing Test CasesIn the test for this role, you will check the following conditions:. That the httpd and firewalld packages are installed. That the httpd and firewalld services are running and enabled.
That the http service is enabled in your firewall settings. That index.html contains the same data specified in your template file.If all of these tests pass, then the role works as intended.To write the test cases for these conditions, let's edit the default tests in /ansible-apache/molecule/default/tests/ Using Testinfra, you will write the test cases as Python functions that use Molecule classes.Open nano molecule/default/tests/testdefault.pyDelete the contents of the file so that you can write the tests from scratch.Note: As you write your tests, make sure that they are separated by two new lines or they will fail.Start by importing the required Python modules. /ansible-apache/molecule/default/tests/ import osimport pytestimport testinfra.utils.ansiblerunnerThese modules include:. os: This built-in Python module enables operating-system-dependent functionality, making it possible for Python to interface with the underlying operating system.
pytest: The module enables test writing. testinfra.utils.ansiblerunner: This Testinfra module uses for command execution.Under the module imports, paste in the following code, which uses the Ansible backend to return the current host instance. /ansible-apache/molecule/default/tests/'pkg', 'httpd','firewalld')def testpkg(host, pkg):package = host.package(pkg)assert package.isinstalledThe test begins with the, which allows us to parameterize the arguments for the test. This first test will take testpkg as a parameter to test for the presence of the httpd and firewalld packages.The next test checks whether or not httpd and firewalld are running and enabled. It takes testsvc as a parameter.
Galaxy Scenario File Differs From Host Pdf
Output.- Scenario: 'default'- Action: 'lint'- Executing Yamllint on files found in /home/sammy/ansible-apache/.Lint completed successfully.- Executing Flake8 on files found in /home/sammy/ansible-apache/molecule/default/tests/.Lint completed successfully.- Executing Ansible Lint on /home/sammy/ansible-apache/molecule/default/playbook.yml.Lint completed successfully.The next action, destroy, is executed using the destroy.yml file. This is done to test your role on a newly created container.By default, destroy is called twice: at the start of the test run, to delete any pre-existing containers, and at the end, to delete the newly created container. Output.- Scenario: 'default'- Action: 'verify'- Executing Testinfra tests found in /home/sammy/ansible-apache/molecule/default/tests/. test session starts platform linux2 - Python 2.7.12, pytest-3.8.0, py-1.6.0, pluggy-0.7.1rootdir: /home/sammy/ansible-apache/molecule/default, inifile:plugins: testinfra-1.14.1collected 6 itemstests/
100% 6 passed in 56.73 seconds Verifier completed successfully.Finally, Molecule destroys the instances completed during the test and deletes the network assigned to those instances.
Hello,I know I reported this to Bjoern already in email, but thought others might find the same issue hapenning to them. I am using docker 1.8.1 on Ubuntu 14.04LTS.After running the docker-galaxy-stable container with the command:sudo docker run -i -t -p 8080:80 -v /home/XXX/Software/galaxystorage/:/export/ -name galaxy bgruening/galaxy-stableI get galaxy nice and running. I make an account for myself, go to home/XXX/Software/galaxystorage/galaxy-central/config and dosudo nano galaxy.ini.sample where I change the line adminusers = Noneintoadminusers =I save the file under a new name galaxy.ini and stop the container. Subsequently, I start the container again using the same command as shown above. What happens is that now I get 403 forbidden in my localhost:8080 access and strangely enough, the config folder gets totally emptied.Anyone ever encountered such behavior?EDIT 1: I also noticed that in case I change this config file myself and get 403 Forbidden, the logs in the galaxy container stop on: /home/galaxy/slurmd.log /home/galaxy/uwsgi.log. So right now I tried going step-by-step to at least reproduce the problem, but I am ending up with what I described in the EDIT1 part of my original post, i.e.:I started docker image (the local export folder empty):docker run -i -t -p 8080:80 -v /home/XXX/Software/galaxystorage/:/export/ bgruening/galaxy-stable /bin/bashTyped 'startup' and hit enter.
Got galaxy going on localhost:8080 where I went to create a new user.I then went to /home/XXX/Software/galaxystorage/galaxy-central/config and made a change in galaxy.ini.sample in line#adminusers = Noneintoadminusers =After this, saved the file and renamed it to galaxy.ini.Now I did docker stop. The container stopped.And ran the container like the first time: docker run -i -t -p 8080:80 -v /home/XXX/Software/galaxystorage/:/export/ bgruening/galaxy-stable /bin/bashHowever this time Galaxy doesn't load, but got stuck on this part: /home/galaxy/slurmd.log. I used the image bgruening/galaxy-stable:dev.Ran it with docker run -i -t -p 8081:80 -v /home/user/Software/galaxystorage2/:/export/ bgruening/galaxy-stable:dev /bin/bashUsed startup script.Galaxy loaded.