Sim City 4 Train Station

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Bus. Shuttle Bus: Provides a way for sims to travel within the city. Note: Bus stops lower land value, so be careful when placing in high wealth areas. Regional Bus: Provides a way for sims to travel between other connected cities in the region that also have bus stops.

  1. Simcity 4 Subway
  2. Simcity 4 Freight Train Station

Park and Rides: Placing park and rides throughout your city will greatly increase the amount of Sims using your bus system. They're small and easy to fit into all the nooks and crannies of your city. Highly recommended when using buses. The park and ride can also double up as a parking garage to serve the train station, maglev, street car, shuttle bus, and ferry dock. The bus terminals contain their own garages and thus can be placed within a shopping center to best benefit the commercial zones. The Double Decker Buses in the UK building set bundle have a slightly higher capacity than the normal buses (100 vs 80).

This makes the UK bus terminal ideal for handling a large amount of low-mid wealth tourists.Streetcars. Streetcar tracks can be placed in avenues or on their own. Pedestrians can also walk alongside the streetcar tracks, so you can use them for pedestrian shortcuts even if you don't have any streetcars.Trains. Brings in tourists. Very useful for low and medium wealth casino/tourist cities. Place within walking distance of Lower and Medium Wealth Casinos.

Train tracks require roughly double the length of a road in order to construct bridges and tunnels. Likewise, I recommend to try and build your train tracks with 45 degree angles in mind.Boats. Passenger Ferries: Brings in low and medium wealth commuters from other cities in the region that also have ferry terminals. Cruise Ship Terminal: Brings in medium and high wealth tourists from outside the region. Very effective method for bringing in high wealth tourists. Place within walking distance of high wealth casinos.Airport. Brings in tourists from outside the region.

The number of tourists generated pales in comparison to the cruise ship terminal, airship terminal, and train station.Blimps. Airship Terminal: Very effective method to bring in medium and high wealth tourists. Commuter mooring: Brings in medium and high wealth commuters from other cities in the region that also have commuter moorings.

Maglev. Provides a way for all wealth classes to travel around a city. Maglev stations futurize roughly 2x2 blocks (around the $505 road tiling marking). The tracks don't.

Don't require a centralized network in order to function, meaning that you can have a variety of maglevs that go directly to specific points in a city without having all of your tracks connect together. Conforms to the shape of roads and the terrain, but may be independently adjusted in height regardless of what the ground is like below them. However, these tracks can't create tunnels. Skybridges are classified as a 'transit' option and thus allow all vehicle and utility agents to transfer through them. Thus, you can use a skybridge as the means to quickly move sims from one point in the city to another as long as you have the ControlNet and money pending. School buses also travel along the sky bridges.

I can't confirm if the commuter buses do as well. Skybridges are built based on the height of the skybridge station and how the stations can connect to each other. This means that a skybridge can be as long as you want it, so long as you got the money.University Dirt Paths. The University dirt path can be used to create pedestrian shortcuts. It doesn't need to be attached to the University, and will remain if you demolish the rest of the University. All mass-transit options will lower adjacent land values.

The bus stops, park and rides, bus terminals, ferry terminal, airship hangar, street car stops, train station, maglev stations, and streetcar station all have the same effect as a mid-tech factory in terms of how they lower land value (the very structure itself plus a very small radius around it). I often find that sims won't mind these things being built near them but not on top of them. However, this is easy to counter for you can use a variety of parks that will increase the desirability for the R and C zones.

Simcity 4 Subway

Since EA just spent months everyone (except EA) knew they never should have made, you may find yourself tempted to finally buy the 2013 version of SimCity. Nuts to that, says I, 'cuz there are still plenty of changes, additions, and enhancements being made to 2003's, courtesy of the ever-growing. NAM is entering its 10th year and still adding new features to the game's transportation system. Lots of them.The Network Addon Mod is all about giving you options - tons of options - on how to thoughtfully and efficiently design your city's transportation system. Some of the elements it adds are major, like massive highway systems, high speed rail, and working canals, and some are small, like turning lanes, nicer curved roads, and elevated pedestrian walkways.

Finally, the mod fixes bugs and improves the game's traffic systems with better pathfinding for your tiny citizens.This latest update, version 32, promises some exciting new features. From the mod page:'The NAM Elevated Viaducts for Roads, One-Way Roads, and Avenues are now available in a draggable form, at both Level 1 (7.5 meter) and Level 2 (15 meter) heights, complete with FLEX Height and On-Slope transitions.' I have no earthly clue what that means. Also:'Transit station functionality has been further improved, including the beginning of the implementation of the SLURP, which will gradually raise all transit stations to NAM standards.'

Again, no idea what they're talking about. Frankly, most of the descriptions from the mod are completely baffling to me. You don't need to fully understand every last detail of the mod in order to enjoy it.

Here's one teeny example of how it became useful in my own game. In a primitive SimCity 4 metropolis, you'd see something like this where the train tracks and the streets intersect:Lame! Cars have to stop every time a train comes along. What is this, the Middle Ages?That's more like it. NAM adds oodles of options for underpasses, overpasses, and intersections, allowing your SimCitizens to quickly and efficiently drive from their homes to the front door of your mansion so they can complain about the deadly pollution and lack of police stations or whatever is currently bothering them.

Even more importantly, you can see just how well the new items fit into the game, both functionally and aesthetically. None of the parts and pieces look like they don't belong in the game.Please note, the next two images are not from my own SimCity, which is fairly SimCrummy, but from the and the ModDB page, where people actually know what they're doing and can build things that are actually pleasant to look at.A big focus of NAM has been the, based on a feature Maxis intended to include in the game but never did.

It allows for bigger, beefier highways that allow greater speeds and vehicle capacity. These highways can range from simple two-lane affairs to massive, sprawling, ten-lane asphalt rivers.

The mod has a myriad of parts and pieces to help you build intricate networks of highways and interchanges.The NAM mod also includes an entire neighborhood's worth of plugins. The High Speed Rail plugin modernizes your city with both ground-based and elevated bullet trains, and provides several stations to choose from, including a massive multipurpose station that includes bus and regular rail service. The Ground Light Rail plugin lets you add passenger trams to your city streets, which run on a different network of rails than the subway does.Even if you're not looking to build a massively complex city, there's tons of little items in the mod to enhance your experience, and everything I've played with is not only functional but blends perfectly into the look of the game. And, as you can see, even a decade later, the game itself still looks fantastic. I've heard from a few sources that SimCity 4 doesn't run that well on newer systems, but on Windows 7 I didn't experience any crashes, even with the mod installed.If NAM has a single drawback, its that there are so many new parts and pieces added that it can be hard find what you're looking for, and sometimes it can be hard to even know precisely what you're looking for. If you feel a little lost, as I did, there's.)Installation: It's super easy., then extract and run the.exe file. (A window will pop up, telling you it's using something called 'Cleanitol' which sounds slightly alarming, as if it is wiping your hard drive clean.


Simcity 4 Freight Train Station

It's searching for outdated NAM files and will update any it finds.) Once installed, launch the game normally, and you'll find all the parts and pieces in the construction menus.