Universe Of Swords Mod
I must say that I (mostly) like CDPR's sword design. While they are a little odd in places most are within spitting distance of 'workable' swords. I don't personally like over-the-top fantasy swords, they do nothing for immersion as they would for various reasons be utterly impractical weapons (most obviously because their mass would make them totally unlike swords). 7 nguyen tc hp tac xa.
Real 'working' swords are between 700g and less than 2.5kg (for a huge 5.5ft long Zweihander). Axes and hammers have a similar range of weights but with the opposite 'balance' being heavily percussive weapons rather than nimble tipped thrusting and cutting weapons.I'd put both of those on a serious diet. But especially the second one.
Your mileage of course may vary, but there is scope for interesting 'real' weapons. There is the Khopesh, various leaf bladed designs, sabres or Indian and Arab swords etc which have different, but practical designs.
Universe Of Swords Mod Terraria
DescriptionCuirass, gloves, pauldrons, boots for any bodytype (based on CBBE 3.4f Curvy, however has naked skin only on neck, so works with any bodytype). And onehanded swords and greatswords.4 color variants (goldred, goldblue, steelred, steelblue), craftable in ebony, temperable, supports weight slider. 2 swords - with blue and red gems.Name begins from 'Elven knight'Based on concept arts from Warhammer online.In optional you can download SMP-PE version with skirt.