New Vegas Autumn Leaves

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Fallout New Vegas Autumn Leaves Keys

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I don't think there is a radio notification. The setting is like a few miles east of Novac and you can fast travel there as soon as you load it up.The story is that you're coming into an ancient library maintained since before the war.

Mysteries there. Dobt want to give anything away, it's a good story with a lot of surprises. All the characters are robots which I thought would be lame the first time, but they are actually great and really interesting characters. They are sentient, free thinking robots with personalities. A good bit of the content is subtle, like you'll want to explore everything thoroughly.

Bethesda aren't very good at a conventional story. What they are good is at lore, which is still story, however. That's also one of the reasons why I love their side quests so much more. However I liked Fallout 4's main quest but the endings were not very distinct from each other.

Skyrim's was good, but then again, the issue was that stakes were so high but that was not reflected in the game, as player freedom would be sacrificed. IMO the next Elder Scrolls game shouldn't have a desperate scenario-New Vegas did this well by making it initially a revenge story which gets transformed into deciding the future of New Vegas afterwards.

ES VI should do something similar: ensure that whatever situation exists for the main quest isn't a desperate one in the beginning. Kirkbride wasn't fired as far as I remember. He quit during Morrowind's development. And I disagree that only he does good lore- as per Kirkbride's own words, Kurt Kuhlmann is the best writer in the series, and he's still with Bethesda.

Plus Kirkbride still writes for Bethesda's games. I also don't really like C0DA and Kirkbride's ideas for the Thalmor- as per his own AMA, the Thalmor are the biggest threat, but they never do feel so big a threat ingame IMO, and I certainly don't want TES to go into a Landfall type scenario ingame, as I feel that TES doesn't suit a post-apocalpytic scenario. So I am kinda glad he isn't that powerful as he would be if he was still with Bethesda. The thing is, Kirkbride can write some excellent lore, but he can also make up some truly bizarre stuff that I would not want to see in an Elder Scrolls game.

Kurt Kuhlmann however is awesome, and he's also a history major, so I suppose he is like their loremaster these days(and I suppose Howard too is involved in quite a bit of lore). Bruce Nesmith has also been there since those days, so I suppose he and Kuhlman are the loremasters.With regards to Morrowind, one thing I really love is its setting-a truly unique one. Oblivion's standard European Medieval fantasy wasn't that original, and Skyrim's one was much better IMO, but Morrowind's setting I have never seen in any other fantasy. That's also one reason why Dragonborn was a favourite dlc of mine. Next game I hope is set in Summerset Isles or Elsewyr, or maybe Akavir?

So long as it's not Morrowind/Cyrodiil/Skyrim again I'm ok with anything as part of what makes exploration good is the setting, and I would love to see a different one each time. Big ones.Since I need to explain stuff, there'll be spoilers but it's 2011 game and the story is predictable anyway: you're a legendary hero yadda yadda has ancient weapon mumble mumble big bad guy deaded.Delphine managed to know what the Grey Beards would ask you to take. Do bear in mind that Delphine wasn't even born yet when Martin Septim, the last line of Septim, died and not a single Dragonborn was born between his death and the events in the game.

Basically Delphine predicted what a stranded Mars alien would want. But suppose that this is actually a known tradition.Delphine stole an item which requires Thu'um to access. The exact same Thu'um that was never taught to her or anybody in recent memory except Ulfric Stormcloak, which at that point was not trying to work with Delphine. Basically Delphine opened the door without a key, and unlock spell doesn't even exist! (as is levitation, which used to exist) but let's assume Delphine used some kind of magical tools to pass all the doors.Delphine sends you alone without any backup or escape plan into a Thalmor's base. This is the exact same Thalmors whose job is to find and kill spies such as Delphine, who conveniently doesn't even check whether you have stealth skills or not, or try to teach you something.

You, someone she barely knows is sent to a base chock full of people who managed to kill every single Blades agent except her and a paranoid old man, which translates to 'people with infinitely more experience than you'. But let's say that you're already a master thief at that point.Delphine claims that as a Blades, she's a descendant of Dragonguards, which is false because the Dragonguards were disbanded about 1500 years ago, replaced with Blades which agents are not descendants of the original Dragonguards. But let's say I'm being pedantic about semantics here.Delphine claims that either you kill THE dragon or she's sworn by an oath to not serve you. This is false because Dragonguards were formed from the survivors of Akaviri invaders which Reman stomped so hard they begged for mercy, so there's no clause about you having to kill a specific dragon.

But suppose that they retconned that there is indeed such oath.Tiber Septim did, in fact, spare a dragon when he was alive. Said dragon even works for him. But let's say Tiber Septim was an exception.The 'crimes' she claimed about THE dragon was committed long before the Akaviri even came to Tamriel. In essence, she claimed that she has to fulfill the wishes of a bunch of strangers which she has nothing to do with which is supposed to be responsible to avenge people which said strangers have nothing to do with.

Fallout Autumn Leaves


In fact, there are Nords who died fighting said Akaviri invaders (there's a reason they're called invaders), so they're not even clean enough to claim avenger, which invalidates her entire line of reasoning which brought you to do her job in the first place.If you're asking 'why are all the points about Delphine?' The answer is because the main story involves Delphine in almost every step and it just so happens she has a lot of plot holes surrounding her.

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