Battlefront 2 Mace Windu

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Mace Windu Disney' This party's over.' One of the most popular aspects of the prequel trilogy, the purple Lightsaber wielding Mace Windu is the Jedi who deserves the most to appear in Battlefront 2.Ever since his last appearance in The Revenge of the Sith, Mace Windu has been completely out of action in the Star Wars canon. Whilst he was shown on screen dying at the hands of Emperor Palpatine, both Samuel Jackson and George Lucas believe that he survived the encounter.

  1. Will Mace Windu Be In Battlefront 2
  2. Mace Windu Battlefront 2 2017
  3. Mace Windu Battlefront 2 Release Date

Will Mace Windu Be In Battlefront 2

The best part of him featuring in Battlefront 2 would be reintroducing him into the Star Wars canon. Samuel Jackson would certainly be happy to see him return.His appearance in Battlefront 2 would also be great because of his amazing Lightsaber skill. Anakin Skywalker and Yoda have both mentioned on several occasions that Windu is the strongest Lightsaber wielding character on the Council. This was seen in the Battle of Geonosis, where he single handedly decapitated Jango Fett with no effort, as well as taking out hundreds of droids with ease.He's also got great Force agility, shown through how fast he is in battle and how high he can jump. Windu is one of the most iconic aspects of the prequel trilogy and he really needs to be reintroduced into the Star Wars universe, possibly even confirming his survival at the hands of Palpatine.

Mace Windu Battlefront 2 2017


Mace Windu Battlefront 2 Release Date

The first substantial content update for StarWars Battlefront II saw the community bestowed with two pivotal sequel trilogycharacters in the form of Resistance hero and former stormtrooper Finn, and FirstOrder military leader Brienne of Tar I mean, Captain Phasma.

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