Dungeon Fighter Online Clone Avatar
Go back a couple years and as everyone was playing Maplestory or Combat Arms on Nexon, I was busy playing Dungeon Fighter Online or DFO for short. DFO is a side-scrolling 2D beat-em up MMO from Neople, a company from South Korea.
With 11 classes to choose from in the NA reboot, the variety of gameplay is vast as each class has 4 sub-class all unique in their own way. Want to be a gunner but focus on using revolvers? Wanna use big guns? Be a Launcher. Each sub-class vastly changes the gameplay of each class and with a total of 34 sub-classes (Some classes only have 2 sub-classes), there is no way you will ever be bored.Countdown/main website: Dungeon Fighter Online NEOPLE (was a part of my childhood and so I am extremely excited to see it coming back to this part of the globe.
And I hope some of you already know of it or will come try it out with me. See you in the world of DFO onMarch 24, 2015!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gRPesfU5Hs. Very surprised to see DFO being mentioned on here.
I feel that many players from a lot of forums have an interest in this game. In any case I chose West server because many of my real life friends are choosing this server, although most of my online ones chose East. West server has huge connection problems, and continues to have them.Much of the playerbase is in the east servers and with the server connection issues on the west server a lot of the players that planned to choose west are switching to east for stability. I wonder if neople plans to combine servers eventually because a lot of people aren't too happy with this type of split of servers (East vs West) when most people were thinking it'd be NA vs Europe.If any of you choose west, hopefully I'll see you in game, but it seems the majority of you have already chosen east like many others. I remember at least one version of this being too cash shop dependent. How's this version looking in that respect?Chances are the game will still be cash dependent. DFO is a game where avatars give pretty bonuses to PvP and PvE.
Neople at least doesn't seem too money hungry, they said they aren't going to try to monetize the game until the servers are more stable.Also, if I'm wrong about being able to turn other players in town off/invisible then my bad. I cannot confirm it myself as the west server is being really unstable right now. OBT2 has started and there's plenty of events: Level up Challenge Events Dungeon Fighter Online (levelling challenge where you make a new character, pick a challenge level and hit it for great rewards.A weapon that grows with you that you have to make permanent by farming dungeons.Easier entry requirements for 3 end game dungeons.I picked 61 as the target. Character name is Airelynna for anyone that wants to level together.Also we have a new character, the Knight. Is anyone still playing this?
The recent update has brought new features and events.Level cap increased to 80New area released: Suju (area released: Time Gate (new avatars (and Balls (eventEnchanted (event to celebrate the opening of Sharan's bead craftingDaily login (eventA reminder that Mileage points will expire on 15/6/9 so use them before then. Got a maintenance today and some new stuff added to the game.New features:Eton Industrial Area (- Aka the Power Station, a level 80+ area.Level cap raised to 85.June's Avatar (PIN has returned for you to secure your account.Unclaimed names from the Alpha have been released for claiming.New events: 6/9 - 7/7Full Throttle to 85 (- Get rewards for every level you gain after 40. Gain more stuff for every level above 80.
Also unique weapon rentals are available to assist your levelling.Party Time (- Get bonuses for playing in a party of 2 or more in dungeons level 20 and up. Parties of 3 or more get bigger bonuses.Seria's Greeting (- For those who haven't logged in for 28 days or more, get a title, a pet Seria and a box of goodies.
Also get all your unfinished quests cleared up. So a huge update yesterday.Events ending:Newbie EventEvents starting:Saint Horn Travel Agency (- Collect Interdimensional Fragments from Otherverse bosses/dailies and turn them in for titles or Ancient Dungeon entrance tickets. Also material requirements for Ancient Dungeon tickets have been reduced by 50%.
Lastly, there is a mini Bakal pet in the cash shop.The Mysterious Lady (- Find Mysterious Coins in optimal dungeons and use them to purchase items from the Mysterious Lady in Seria's Room to prepare for the F Slayer release on July 7.Mini Bakal:content:Saint Horn (added - Otherverse and Ancient Dungeons now availableChronicle equipment added - drops in Otherverse. Lunatic Hakurei I went and decided to focus on my Demon Slayer for the event. Mostly because I didn't have a high level zanbato.Update notes:New content:Female Slayer (has been addedItem of the Month (- Ronald McDonald afros and Kaleido boxesHot Summer Package (- Swimsut avatars (titles, a pet and an emblem puncherNew events:8 Week Attendance (- Log in and do 5 optimal dungeons level 20+ for rewardsPhoenix Weapon (- The first f slayer of yours to log in will get a Phoenix Weapon that grows with you.
It can also be enhanced to +12 without breaking. Feed it feathers to make it permanentDFO Flowing with Milk and Honey (- Log in for up to 3 hours 45 mins each day for great rewards. Be logged in for a total of 100 hours for a bigger reward.The Hotter the Faster (- The more fatigue you burn the more exp you get. You can also double your exp gain for double the fatigue.Her Decisive Challenge! (- Pick a challenge level for the first f slayer you make and hit that level for rewards.8 Weeks of Updates (- Every week during summer will bring a new update. Keep an eye on this page for details. A couple of top tips for the current event.If you're not happy with the quality of your Phoenix weapon, you can exchange it up to 15 times.
Simply open up the event page in game and click on the change button in the bottom right. You should do this till you get a Superior weapon.The Phoenix weapon will not break while enhancing until +12.
So you can upgrade the weapon to +12 with no worry that you'll lose it. It will reset upon failure though.In other news, I got a +12 Phoenix Weapon now. I feel like a sexy god.
Elairiah Levels go by very quickly until about the mid 50s. People have been hitting 55 after only 2 days into the event with careful mangement of fatigue and exp potions. After that about one level a day is standard.
The grind is really not that bad compared to Elsword. There is a larger variety of dungeons and you won't be repeating the same dungeons over and over to unlock the next.Difficulty depends on which class you're playing. Summoners, Asura, Launchers, Chaos, Vagabonds, Creators and Dark Knights are easy mode. F slayers have it good right now with the Phoenix weapons.Feathers start dropping the moment you hit level 20. Typically get about 5+ feathers a dungeon.The game does encourage alts though. The Arad Explorer (account wide bonus depending on total character level), Supporter (dungeon assist) and Mercenary (Kancolle-style expeditions) systems promote making lots of alts. Elairiah I play very few MMORPG games to know how bad the grinding in DFO is.
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All I have to say is, from level 1-54, completing quests should carry you easy with a little grinding. The dungeons are for the most part not difficult at all once you understand the gimmicks. Level 55+ is when the you'll begin grinding more as well as experiencing a difficulty spike in gameplay. At level 70+, well, you grind lol, and the dungeons are tough.
To put time into perspective, I can cover level 1-55 in one week, 55-70 in one week, 70-85 in two weeks. The game has fatigue points (similar to stamina/energy points in mobile games) that limits your gameplay. Don't let that turn you away though as the time to burn through all the fatigue point increases as you move into higher level dungeons. Plus, you have the ability to make multiple characters to play with their own separate fatigue points.Now to help you with the massive number of events currently:Her Decisive Challenge: Exclusively for the newly released Female Slayer class; select level goal, and receive the prize when you reach your goal. Don't worry about this if you're not interested in her.The Hotter! The Better!: During specific days they have listed, there will be a burning fatigue event where the more fatigue you burn, the more exp and stats gained + bonus fatigue in return, or a fatigue express where you double your exp at the cost of burning twice the fatigue.
Essentially, you're playing through the game twice as fast.DFO Flowing with Milk and Honey: Get rewards for logging in for x amount of time. There will be a bar on top in-game that shows your progress.Phoenix Weapon Event: Also exclusive for Female Slayer, you collect Phoenix Feathers from Optimal Dungeons only.
They start appearing when you're level 20 in dungeons that have the green text 'EOptimal' in the dungeon selection screen. Those are Optimal Dungeons.Attendence for 8 Weeks: Play Optimal Dungeons 5 times to claim the weekly reward. We had an update yesterday folks, here's what we got:New Events:TransfoMaterial (- Change the spare materials you have lying about into more valuable materials. What changes to what listed on the event page.Phantom Thief Goblin (- Find the Phantom Thief hiding in the Forgotten Land and get him to get lots of loot.Get Prepared to Get Higher - Gain level up boxes to aid levelling from level 55 onwards.New Stuff:Female Slayer Avatars (- F Slayers now have Idol, Ribbon Girl, Beach Lover and Office Lady avatars in the cash shop.Lost Treasure (- Hunt mobs in optimal dungeons after level 30 to get Lost Treasures and Skeleton Keys as random drops.
Open the treasures for cash shop loot. You can also buy keys from the cash shop.Forgotten Land (- Venture into the Forgotten Land to get loot. How much can you get in 30 mins? Elairiah You can use mileage points on fatigue potions. 15 points for a 20 fatigue potion and 30 points for a 50 fatigue potion.
Each useable once a day. Demon Invitations are of use once you hit 77+ and they are used to force a Hell mode to occur. This is where you get epic equipment from.
Exorcism potions are used in the Otherverse at 70+. They help you hit exorcism targets for certain difficulty modes.
This is important because if your exorcism level is below the requirement for the difficulty mode, you get a huge penalty to stats. The perm avatar tickets aren't really worth it unless you see a set you really like.
You need 7 tickets to perm a full set anyway. That's 700 mileage. You just right click and drag the avatar piece you want to perm into the box.Most people just blow their mileage on fatigue potions or demon invitations. It's pretty easy to get the exorcism level you need through equipment.Silver emblems give better stats. The quality goes Iron Bronze Silver Gold Platinum.And it means two pieces of clone avatars. Are you ready for the 2nd awakenings?New Events:Face the 2nd Awakening (- Log in with any of the four classes that will be receiving 2nd awakenings this month and get a box containing chronicle items. Clear dungeons with them for even more bonuses.
Quest clearance tickets will be awarded on completing the 1st awakening and 2nd awakening quests and one more for using a 2nd awakening skill 20 times.DFO Super Weeks (- For four consecutive weeks, the class of the week will receive bonuses when playing and when partying with up to two others of the same class. EXP you earn on the class of the week can also be transferred to another character of your choice. This week, we have M Slayer.Ludmilla's Support (- OV entrance count has increased and you get a better drop rate with more party members.
You also get a box to help you hit exorcism requirements.Ola, Brasil! (- To celebrate the opening of the new Sirocco server, new characters on all servers get a gift box and a free red afro. Characters on the Sirocco server get additional contracts as a bonus.
Collect letter drops to spell out 'Ola Brasil' and get a special title.New Updates:Male Avatar Update (- Four new avatars added to the store in celebration of the 2nd awakening for M Slayer.Avatar of August (- Classic 8-bit weapon avatars for gold and also a box of 10 life tokens for 99k gold.Petit Friends (- M Slayer pets added to the store. Look forward to pets for F Mage, M Gunner and F Fighter in the future.Act 05. Phantastic Fuour #1 - Male Slayer (- Check out the details on the M Slayer 2nd Awakening. The 2nd phase of the 2nd awakenings is here!New Events:Let's Play Bingo! (- Do optimal dungeons to obtain bingo boxes and complete lines on the bingo card to win prizes.New Updates:Female Mage Avatar Update (- Four new avatars added to the store in celebration of the 2nd awakening for F Mage.Petit Friends 2 (- The F Mage pets have been added to the storeAct 05.
Phantastic Four #2 - Female Mage (- Check out the details on the F Mage 2nd Awakening.Bonus, F Mage trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00uAF92xNEs. It's the 3rd week of the 2nd awakening release, here's what we got now:New Events:Strong Adventurers (- Visit Seria for quests that you can complete to gain nice rewards.Danjin's Secret Coin Redux (- Get Danjin Coins from dungeons above level 20 and toss them into the fountain in underfoot for rewards.New Updates:Male Gunner Avatar Update (- Four new avatars added to the store in celebration of the 2nd awakening for M Gunner.Petit Friends 3 (- The M Gunner pets have been added to the storeAct 05. Phantastic Four #3 - Male Gunner (- Check out the details on the M Gunner 2nd Awakening.Bonus, M Gunner trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFNsr0TP6xw.
It's the last week of the 2nd awakening release, how has it been for all of you? Well, any of you who weren't distracted entirely by the Kancolle event.New Events:Gotta Pick Them All (- Essentially a slot machine game. Earn up to 13 rolls a day.New Updates:Female Fighter Avatar Update (- Four new avatars added to the store in celebration of the 2nd awakening for F Fighter.Petit Friends 3 (- The F Fighter pets have been added to the storeAct 05.
Phantastic Four #4 - Female Fighter (- Check out the details on the F Fighter 2nd Awakening.Bonus, F Fighter trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT4rAd4fCh0. Another Tuesday, another update. We got some new events running folks.New Events:Hero-R (- Lots of buffs and bonuses for running Requiem dungeons. 50% material cost, double the rewards, +12 weapon buff, and heroic NPCs!Blind Deal (- Buy Cera items with gold.
Items are random and hidden.New Updates:Avatar of the Month Sept (- New weapon avatars for purchase.The Awakened Ones (- Awakening avatars are now in the cash shop!Time Gate: Requiem (- A new endgame area is out with tough enemies and legendary weapons to get. New update with new events.New Events:Conquer the Interdimensional Space (- Clear the new Interdimensional Space dungeon accessible from Seira's room for rewards. Also a powerful +7 weapon rental to help you on your way.Miracle Reinforcement Party (- Get help with reinforcing your equipment. Gather friends and have them watch, the more people watching the higher your success rate.Craft Master (- For the duration of this event, you gain profession exp at a faster rate.Everyday DFO (- Daily login rewards are making a return. Check out what you get just for logging in.Tau Kingdom (- The Tau Kingdom returns, go kill some cows to get some great rewards.New Updates:Lost Treasure (- Reinforcement and Amplification protection tickets have been added to lost treasures. A big update this time. More 2nd awakenings!New Events:Priest Premium (- If you are a Priest, log in to receive some rewards and clear dungeons to get even more.Dragon Road (- Play a board game with up to 2 other players and win some nice rewards!Seria's Greeting (- If you haven't logged in for 28 days, come back and Seria will give you a present.DFO Flowing with Milk and Honey - Season 3 (- Log in and stay logged in for a certain time and receive rewards.New Updates:Act 06.
Dfo Rare Avatar
DIES IRAE (- The Priest 2nd awakenings are here.Priest Avatar Update (- More avatars have been added to the store for the Priest.Petit Friends: Priest (- Petit Priest pets have been added to the store.Avatar of October (- The underwear/lingerie avatars are now here. The Halloween update is here! Lots of goodies this time.New Events:Gothic Wonderland (- A new Gothic dungeon is accessible from Seria. Defeat the monsters in the dungeon to get special Goth loli titles and costumesTrick or Treat (- You'll get a monster transformation potion once a day.
Once transformed, go around to NPCs with a Halloween lamp beside them to get some candy. You can only get 3 candies a day. Trade the candies to the Halloween store for goodies and titles.Token Slot Machine (- Play the slot machine to stand a chance to win life tokens. You get one free spin a day and more spins as you clear dungeons up to a maximum of 10 spins a day.New Updates:Gothic Lolita Package (- A new costume pack has been added to the cash shop. This time, it's the Goth Loli package.
The Halloween update is here! Lots of goodies this time.New Events:Shall We Hell (- Level 20+ bosses will have a 25% chance of dropping a hell orb. Hell mode will be guaranteed to be Insane difficulty and partying will guarantee hell mode after a certain number of runs.Low Level Assist (- Level 1 - 39 players will get exp and stat buffs. Making a new character during this event will give you some assist boxes.May the DFO be with YOU (- From now until 12th Jan, clear 10 optimal dungeons a week to receive rewards. Also consecutive logins will get you great rewards. You can get tokens to buy level up tickets among other things.happY turkey daY (- Turkeys will randomly appear from level 20+ dungeons.
Kill them to get turkey meat to cook. The more you cook, the more rewards you get.New Updates:Seria's Greeting All Day Every Day (- Rewards for logging in after being inactive for 28 days or for making a new account are now permanent.Lost Treasure Nov 2015 (- Platinum emblems can now drop from Lost Treasures.Get Bonus CERA (- Get 10% more CERA when you buy during this event.Black Friday (- 50-90% discounts on consumables, avatars and contracts.Zombie Crisis (- Essentially Cops n Robbers. Zombies have to infect all the humans, humans have to survive or kill all the zombies. The Kunoichi patch has come and a whole bunch of events along with it.New Events:Year End Burning Event (- Burning exp will be active for every weekend in December.
Get more exp the more fatigue you use!Burning Love (- BAAAAANINGU RAAAABU (No wait. Race to level 85 with a Kunoichi character. First 20 get a physical gift pack, the rest get NeoPremium contracts of varying durations.Mega Interdimensional Bingo (- Bingo with a 9x9 field instead of the 5x5 from before.Flame Syndrome (- Create a new Kunoichi character and pick a level target to challenge. Reach that target for rewards. The higher the target, the better the rewards!New Updates:Avatar of December (- Santa hats have been added to the shop.The Ninja Road (- A special ninja dungeon will be available where you can get drops to buy useful stuff from NPCs.Ninja Package (- Ninja avatar packages have been added to the cash shop.Act 07 Girl on Fire (- Here she is, the Kunoichi.Also a warning mileage will be reset on the 1st of Jan. Use it up by the end of the year. The Kunoichi patch has come and a whole bunch of events along with it.New Events:Save the Arad (- On Wed, Fri and Sun at certain times, monsters will invade the town of Underfoot.
Help defend the town and get rewards based on the number you kill.Time of Destiny (- Get rewards for logging in once a day at a certain time.DFO with Nyangko (- Enter Nyangko's house and pick a Nyangko creature to follow you. Collect 70 lollipops or macarons to make her permanent.1st DFO Christmas (- Collect tree decorations in dungeons and use them to decorate the tree. When the tree is fully decorated, Santa will appear and you can buy stuff from him. Also from 1300 to 1500 UTC, receive 30% more monster kill exp.New Updates:Lost Treasure Dec 2015 (- Amazing Sox and Legacy Orobas Box have been added to Lost Treasures.Amazing Sox (- Rewards to be revealed on 2015/12/22Mt.
Kulun (- A new dungeon area for characters 84+.Again, mileage will be reset on the 1st of Jan. Use it up by the end of the year.
First patch of the year! A few new events added.New Events:On Your Mark (- Greet one NPC in Underfoot a day to get rewards. Greet 10 NPCs in total for a special New Year's box.Devil's Task (- Complete quests for Ozma during the event period to get paychecks that you can use to purchase items from him.Are You Ready? (- F Gunners, M Mages and M Fighters will receive gifts to help them with levelling once they hit certain levels. New characters will get more stuff. Also all characters will get a level up support box every day when logging in.New Updates:2016 Fortune Cookie (- For the next fortnight, Fortune Cookies will be available in the cash shop.
Buy them for a chance at getting a certain contract for 2-100 days.Avatar of January 2016 (- Danjin pot avatars have been added.Another reminder, mileage will be reset on the 19th of Jan. Use it before then so you don't waste it. The huge patch is here. Now is a great time for anyone interested to hop in and give this game a go. Also a great time for anyone to come back since now we have so many QoL improvements.New Events:Triple Play (- F Gunner, M Mage and M Fighters will get rewards for logging in and clearing dungeons.DFO Character Day (- Pick a character of the day to give them some nice bonuses. Play that character and get rewards depending on how much fatigue you burn.Something Unique (- Gather Adventurer's Proof from optimal dungeons and turn them in for growing weapons.
You can get up to 3 growing weapons. It costs 225 proofs to make them all permanent.DFO Flowing with Milk and Honey redux (- Log in and stay logged in for a certain period of time to get rewards.Catching Star (- Collect stars from dungeons and turn them in for great rewards.Let it Burn (- Burning Fatigue will be enabled this weekend. Visit DFO's facebook page and like it to get BF enabled for next weekend too!New Updates:Just one massive update this time, Act 1 of Reborn: summary of the new changes:2nd Awakenings have been added for the following classes:Female Gunner (- Crimson Rose, Storm Bringer, Optimus and FreyjaMale Mage (- Oblivion, EternalMale Fighter (- Nen Emperor, Tyrant, Hades, TitanSystem/UI updatesItems ((((((updatesAbnova & Inverted Waterfall (Canyon (Gate ((Station (Balance updates (Balance updates (http://www.dfoneople.com/news/updates/221/PVP-Balance-Update/Common). Lol the month I go on vacation is the month some people reply.Anonymous I made my own guild, Daedalus. It's got some people from the discord channel but it's mostly just me cause they all mostly quit. I'll be continuing to update the thread for as long as I play this game.Lunatic Hakurei The long RNG road of endgame has pretty much made me give up on capping to do OV/Ancients/Hell/etc. Been mostly focusing on getting all my 16 characters to 75 and 2nd awaken.
My most geared character just has a +12 Phoenix weapon. Act 2 of the Reborn update is here, and with it comes the Shadow Dancer.New Events:The Hotter the Faster (- Burning Fatigue will be active during Fri-Mon for the last two weekends in March.Message from Neople (- Collect messages from the dev team and get rewards. 120 message fragments needed for all the rewards.Assassination Order (- Pick a challenge level on a new Thief and hit it before Apr 5 to get rewards.DFO First Anniversary (- Visit pot head NPCs in Underfoot and play minigames to get coins, exchange those coins for rewards.New Updates:Act 2 - Black Aria (- Shadow Dancer and related items have been added.
The last part of Act 2 is now live.New Events:Rise Adventurers! (- For the next two weeks, resurrection in dungeons is free.Overpower Balance (- Until Apr 5, certain skills have had their AoE increased and one skill per class does 99,999,999 damage. Use those skills and complete objectives to get rewards.DFO Flowing With Milk and Honey Mar 16 (- Stick around for 2 hours and get rewards!Zombie Crisis Under Control (- Collect Research Materials from dungeons and use them to raise your zombies to get rewards.Visitor From the Twilight (- Party with thieves and get bonus exp, level a thief and get rewards.New Updates:Act 2 - Black Aria Climax (- The thief second awakenings are here; become Alcyone, Thanatos, Shiranui or Grim Reaper. Just got an update with a ton of events. Now is a great time for any of you that dropped the game to get back in.New Events:DFO 101 (- New characters get bonus buffs and rewards all the way up to level 60.Daily Delivery (- Until June, every day you log in you'll get free Hell Invites. Every 26 days gives you 600 invites.Halidom Rental (- Do optimal dungeons everyday to get Halidom rental equipment, do enough and get a full Halidom set.Dragon Road 2 (- Play the Dragon Road board game and get rewards.I Want You!
(- Join up with a buddy and play the game for great rewards when doing optimal dungeons. Playing together will earn double the points. Returning players get big rewards.Check Me (- Clear one optimal dungeon over level 17 a day and get great rewards.
Large update this time with the much anticipated Anton Raid.New Events:Bingo With BINGO (- The Bingo game returns, collect boxes and complete lines for rewards.Arad Meteor Trader (- Trade in your Meteors for exp potions or Demon Invitations.Honey Time (- Stay logged in for a certain amount of time each day for rewards. Stay logged in for 100 and 200 hours during the event period for big rewards. Invitation from Castle of the Dead (- Receive rewards for every level up after 40 with a big reward once you hit cap at 86.Hell Like Hell (- Normal monsters in the Castle of the Dead will drop Hell Invites. Also only insane hell mode will trigger, so get your epics.New Updates:Act 3. Anton, The Flame Eater (- The Anton Raid and Castle of the Dead have been added.
This time some to get you geared up to start AntonNew Events:1+1≠2 (- Link two characters under level 15 and level one to earn level up tickets on the other.The Witch Wears Avatar (- Disassemble unwanted avatars to get Hell Party Tickets.Saint Horn Travel Agency -Ludmilla's Promotion- (- Exorcism requirements for OVs are reduced, drop rates have been increased, event OV quests and Chronicle rentals have been added. IT'S HEEEEEREEEE. FSlayer 2nd Awakenings are finally here.New Events:Catching Star Episode 2: Return of the Star (- Collect stars in dungeons level 20+ and use them to purchase nice rewards.Honey Time May 2016 (- Stay logged in for a certain amount of time and get great rewards. This time, we have a chronicle box for staying logged in for 400 hours.The Goddess Awakens (- Get a chronicle box when you log in with an F Slayer, new F Slayers get an additional chronicle box. Clear dungeons and hit milestones for extra rewards.Marvellous Reinforcement Party (- Get a Marvellous weapon and collect Marvellous shards from dungeons. Use it to reinforce the weapon for rewards.
Get rewards for every milestone up to +13.New Updates:Act 4 - Oh My Goddess (- FSlayer 2nd Awakenings have been added. Play the Majesty, Deicide, Blade Dancer and Nemesis today. We just had a maint with a bunch of new events. Come and hop on!New Events:Exciting DFO (- Collect Endorphins by completing events, turn them in for rewards.
Get bonus rewards by collecting more!Antony Pursuit (- Play a board game and earn tokens. Turn those tokens in for rewards. One of those rewards is a cute turtle pet!Saving Warship Gracia (- Complete the event dungeon to get medals to turn in for rewards.Amuse Me Peasants (- Make any picture or video of F Slayers and submit it to the media contest. Winners get chibi figures of F Slayers, all participants get 10 skeleton keys.
Some new events to keep you occupied in DFO.New Events:Surprise Gift of June (- Log in during the event time to get a surprise box with level up tickets. Also get a coupon you can exchange for more stuff at Seria.Blind Deal: More Secret (- Obtain invitations from optimal dungeons and use it to enter the Blind Boutique. Secret items will be on sale every day so don't miss out.Gerri's Order (- Hunt Dark Side Gerri in optimal dungeons with Gerri Hunter NPCs.
Get chron pots as rewards when killing DSG and spirit fragments you can turn in for rewards. Another major update. A ton of new features and events. So come play if you haven't already and join up if you're interested!New Events:Daily Delivery July 2016 (- Every day get one Ancient Dungeon material. Get 5 for logging in 26 days in a row.Honey Time July 2016 (- Log in and stay logged in for up to 3:20 every day for rewards. Stay logged in for 200 total through the month to get the biggest rewards.Weekend Ontime July 2016 (- Be online during the event period every weekend to get a box containing epic fragments of your choice.
Dungeon Fighter Online Hacks
You can get up to 200 frags./URL - Clear a single Optimal Dungeon each day to get rewards. Get consecutive attendances to get better rewards.URL='For Guild (- Run guild dungeons to earn rewards for yourself and your guild.
(PS: Daedalus is recruiting.)Come With Me (- The Buddy Up event is back. Buddy up with friends and earn points as you clear Optimal Dungeons. Pairs with a bonus are 'Existing + Returning' and 'New + New'.Anime Expo X DFO Lucky Draw (- For anyone attending Anime Expo, Neople is holding a raffle.
Tickets are $25 each.New Updates:Act 5. Guildpact (system overhauled.New guild features: Guild Mileage, new Guild Skills, Guild Supporter, Guild Hideouts, GvG PvP, and a Contribution systemGuild Dungeons: Monthly dungeons that can only be entered by guild members. Clearing will get an NPC that sells stuff in the Hideout among other things.Improved Chronicle acquisitionScenario Dungeon hard modeOtherverse tweaks and nerfsGraphics updateEpic Fragment system addedCharacter balance. A new update for DFO.
A new dungeon and a whole host of new events.New Events:Daily Delivery August 2016 (- This month, log in to get Demon InvitationsLucky 7 (- Collect Lottery Tickets from bosses in optimal dungeons and draw a lottery up to 3 times a day. Collect the Clovers and turn them in for rewardsHoney Time (- Stay logged in for up to 1:50 each day for rewards.Potionology (- Find alchemy materials and combine them to make potions. Use logic to determine the elements of the materials and get Report Cards to turn in for rewardsCera & Gift (- Purchase Cera and get a coupon for rewards.Road to the Ruins (- Get rewards for clearing the Dark Elf Ruins dungeon to turn in for Chronicle itemsNew Updates:Act 5. Part 3: Dark Elf Ruins (- New dungeon has been added. Another update is upon us.
Haven't really been playing lately though. Waiting for the gearing buffs to hit.New Events:Grow Fast Demonic Lancers (- Demonic Lancers will be getting all sorts of buffs and rewards to ease the levelling process.Piercing His Way to 86 (- Rush to 86 as fast as you can! The faster you reach 86, the better the rewards you get.
10 days gets you the best reward, 30 days gets you the lowest tier.Javelin Throw (- Play the Javelin Throwing minigame and earn gold medals you can turn in for rewards.Blitz Gift: Petite Friends (- Log in on Aug 27 and get a gift box allowing you to pick any of the petite friend pets that have been released.New Updates:Act 6, Part 1: Master of the Demonic Lance (- Demonic Lancer has been implemented.